Szybszy kontakt : Publikacje : Sheeba Magazine "Dream Within a Dream" GLOW Magazine "Keep secrets beauty" Gilded Magazine "Colors of Beauty" PROMO Magazine "Desert's Flower" Sheeba Magazine " Everything's Coming Up Roses" Sheeba Magazine "Summer Spirit" PROMO Magazine "Chic on the street'' Sheeba Magazine ''Gentle nature of man'' ELEGANT Magazine "Electric jungle" Sheeba Magazine "Sweet memory' Sheeba Magazine "Enchanted dreams" Sheeba Magazine "Love at sunset" Sheeba Magazine "Land of stopped time" Sheeba Magazine "The sound of the sea" Modellen land magazine "Daydream" Sheeba Magazine "Subtlely of the Soul" Sheeba Magazine ''Mysterious Romance"
Doświadczenie | Średnie |
Profesja | Modelka |
Wiek | 26 |
Wzrost | 175 |
Waga | - |
Biust | 80 |
Talia | 65 |
Biodra | 84 |
Włosy | Długie |
Obecny kolor | Ciemny blond |
Naturalny kolor | Ciemny blond |
Kolor oczu | Niebieskie |
Odzież | S |
Obuwie | 39 |
Biustonosz | - |
Pieknie ;)