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27 wyświetleń
a, i jeszcze jedna propozycja- skoro już jesteśmy w UK, a większość ludzi na BGS jest z portalu www.net-model.com to proponuję założyć konto na tym portalu. dzięki temu będziecie mieli możliwość bieżącego obserwowania tematu o BGS, i kontaktu z innymi uczestnikami, a po imprezie otrzymania referencji. proszę o info na PW w tym temacie ;)
no i trzeba się w końcu zdecydować:OK folks as BGS is now less than two months
away (it's actually 8 weeks on Sat) it's time to get the show "rockin
& rollin"Go and have a look on the front page as:I've
updated the lists of those interested in attending And there's
loads of new surprises announced I now
need all to confirm they are coming by sending the £10 entry fee via
Paypal to groupshoot@boysplace.co.uk (email me if you can't pay
via Paypal). Can you also let me have your mobile number and email
address so I can easily let you all have the location details and more
info about the event. If you're also paying for another person can
you let me have their details as well.To ensure that we get a
good model/photographer ratio I'll be closing the photographer list once
the first 50 photographers have confirmed until the model list catches
up.There is an overall limit of 150 people at this event so
don't delay folks get those payments to me ASAP.Daveżeby nie było że nie pisałem :Pjak ktoś nie może zapłacić przez paypal, to proszę o info... i to w trymiga ;)
nowości :)1 niespodzianka: była zapowiedziana- bondage ;)2 niespodzianka: będą 3 lub 4 MUA- 10 funtów dodatkowej dotacji na fundację za godzinę pracy. To co robią jest niesamowite :) creating a fantastic look for you that can be
classic beauty, wild and wacky, SFX - from bloody to downright scary and
Lisa will have an airbrush so all sorts possible. More info available
soon.3 niespodzianka: trening na cat walk- to dla modelek- szycha w zakresie treningu na wybiegu będzie prowadził szkolenie- godzinne szkolenia, w grupach do 5 osób- 5 funtów dotacji- warto ;)4 niespodzianka: coś dla fotografów ;) Well as we'll have constructed a catwalk it
would be a shame not to make full use of it So folks
later in the afternoon they'll be a catwalk event / fashion show / model
"show us what you've got" session.All the models coming to BGS
will get the chance to strut down the catwalk to tempt photographers to
book them for future shoots and yep all will be able to take photos -
well that is so long as you've bought the "Press Pass" - and yep you
quessed it - a mere £10 donation will get you one of these highly sought
after Passes. (trochę wypiłem, nie chce mi się tłumaczyć ;) )niespodzianka 5: agencja modelek "eden" będzie szukała talentów (niestety modelek nie fotografów ;) ) http://just-eden-models.co.uk/niespodzianka 6: Just when you thought it was safe to come to BGS
up pops Razoir with his stunning assistant Kevina.Now those of
you in the know will be well aware that Kevina is a stunning art-nude
model that we have all seen far too little of late !!! Well that's
all set to change at BGS.Razoir has been persuaded to present at
least one of his art-nude workshops and Kevina has madly agreed to be
his guinea-pig .Now
these two have never worked together before so who knows what could
happen.And yet again a £10 donation will get you a ticket to
learn the mysteries of the dark art of art-nude photography.niespodzianka 7: Or how about paying £10 to photograph a nude
shellyradley bound into some impossible poses - well Rod has risen to
the challenge she has thrown down and he will be ensuring you see Shelly
like you've never seen her before.Can't promise he'll be
gagging her as well but we can always live in hope - LOLSURPRISE NUMBER 8,9,10 ...... Keep
watching folks there's more in the wings
na dzień dzisiejszy zapowiadają się cięższe alkohole :( może jakiś browar byłby zainteresowany promocją swoich wyrobów?
kurna :) dość że fotograf to jeszcze poeta :) wiem wiem kazałem przypominać dzięki
już kwiecień... zegar tyka czas umyka ;)
facebook jest trochę do dupy, więc dodaję Cię do naszej, lepszej listy maxmodelsowej ;)
Witam!Ja się wpisałem na liście facebooka właśnie, ale potwierdzam jeszcze tutaj.Pozdrawiam
co to ?? up...