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Ktoś podszywa się pod właściciela Francuskiej agencji Angels&Demons i proponuje udział w sesji promującej kostiumy kąpielowe. Wysyła długą i przekonującą wiadomość po angielsku, prosi o kontakt przez telefon, potem skype. Podaje strone internetową istniejacej, znanej agencji i maila. FEJK!
Wklepałam ten mail w google i ten sam koleś wysyłał takie wiadomości na konkurencyjnym portalu - jakaś dziewczyna dała się nabrać, był bardzo miły, ale gdy zrezygnowała groził jej publikacjom screenow ze skype na stronach porno!!!!
Agencje jeśli się do nich napisze, potwierdzają, że nie jest z nimi związany. Podszywa się pod różne agencje, ale zazwyczaj podaje chyba tego samego maila !
Dziewczyny, nie dajcie się nabrać!
Oto wiadomość, (użytkownik: cmodels39)
Hello,how are you doing? I hope that you are doing well. My name is Chris and I am the owner of a model agency. Currently I am travelling around and looking for new faces to represent www.angels-models.com
Your appereance might fit to us for the next swimsuit catalog shooting. I would like to seek your permission to allow us to use your photo for the next swimsuit catalog shooting. I am asking you this because we need a good quality photos like yours. We will send you a copy after all this is done. Please let me know if you are interested in my offer, because for now I am very interested in working with you. Moreover, it is a great possibility to earn more than a $2000. If you agreed, I am going to come over at your place, so we could talk about the details and if this go good, I would ask you to sign a contract. However, there is one requirement before I come over there, we have to see how you look like on the webcam. We require our applicant to have a skype account.
this is our website for you to get more information about us. Please, as soon as possible let us know whether you are interested in working with us as a model.
As you can see, the agency is located in Paris and I will be glad to work with you. I would like to offer a job to you in Paris. We work on a modelling, advertisement and commercial film area. This is a serious proposal and I would prefer to talk to people face to face in real life. I will come over there and we will talk all the detail face to face. Some people can use a programme for the photos and videos. That is why, I need to make sure from you on the webcam ,before the meeting.
Note: You don't need to pay money for a visa, flight and accommodation. You will be flown all expenses paid for the flight and hotel accommodation for a professional photo shoot session.
What do you think? If you want, you can contact me through this address
Cytat: ag_aa
najwyraźniej osoba ta się nie poddaje:
wiadomość od: paris33
Hello,how are you doing? I hope that you are doing well. My name is Chris and I am the owner of a model agency. Currently I am travelling around and looking for new faces to represent www.angels-models.com
Your appereance might fit to us for the next swimsuit catalog shooting. I would like to seek your permission to allow us to use your photo for the next swimsuit catalog shooting. I am asking you this because we need a good quality photos like yours. We will send you a copy after all this is done. Please let me know if you are interested in my offer, because for now I am very interested in working with you. Moreover, it is a great possibility to earn more than a $2000. If you agreed, I am going to come over at your place, so we could talk about the details and if this go good, I would ask you to sign a contract. However, there is one requirement before I come over there, we have to see how you look like on the webcam. We require our applicant to have a skype account.
this is our website for you to get more information about us. Please, as soon as possible let us know whether you are interested in working with us as a model.
As you can see, the agency is located in Paris and I will be glad to work with you. I would like to offer a job to you in Paris. We work on a modelling, advertisement and commercial film area. This is a serious proposal and I would prefer to talk to people face to face in real life. I will come over there and we will talk all the detail face to face. Some people can use a programme for the photos and videos. That is why, I need to make sure from you on the webcam ,before the meeting.
Note: You don't need to pay money for a visa, flight and accommodation. You will be flown all expenses paid for the flight and hotel accommodation for a professional photo shoot session.
What do you think? If you want, you can contact me through this address
wiadomość dostałam dzisiaj po 13 z konta, które musi być nowe, odpisałam mu raz, ale potem postanowiłam sprawdzić tego maila w google, bo wydało mi się to wszystko podejrzane.
Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie.
najwyraźniej osoba ta się nie poddaje:
wiadomość od: paris33
Hello,how are you doing? I hope that you are doing well. My name is Chris and I am the owner of a model agency. Currently I am travelling around and looking for new faces to represent www.angels-models.com
Your appereance might fit to us for the next swimsuit catalog shooting. I would like to seek your permission to allow us to use your photo for the next swimsuit catalog shooting. I am asking you this because we need a good quality photos like yours. We will send you a copy after all this is done. Please let me know if you are interested in my offer, because for now I am very interested in working with you. Moreover, it is a great possibility to earn more than a $2000. If you agreed, I am going to come over at your place, so we could talk about the details and if this go good, I would ask you to sign a contract. However, there is one requirement before I come over there, we have to see how you look like on the webcam. We require our applicant to have a skype account.
this is our website for you to get more information about us. Please, as soon as possible let us know whether you are interested in working with us as a model.
As you can see, the agency is located in Paris and I will be glad to work with you. I would like to offer a job to you in Paris. We work on a modelling, advertisement and commercial film area. This is a serious proposal and I would prefer to talk to people face to face in real life. I will come over there and we will talk all the detail face to face. Some people can use a programme for the photos and videos. That is why, I need to make sure from you on the webcam ,before the meeting.
Note: You don't need to pay money for a visa, flight and accommodation. You will be flown all expenses paid for the flight and hotel accommodation for a professional photo shoot session.
What do you think? If you want, you can contact me through this address
wiadomość dostałam dzisiaj po 13 z konta, które musi być nowe, odpisałam mu raz, ale potem postanowiłam sprawdzić tego maila w google, bo wydało mi się to wszystko podejrzane.
Tak, sprawa jest już na policji i trwa śledztwo ! Dowody już są, niestety przeciąga się tylko ze względu na ilości zastraszanych dziewczyn. Oszust podszywa się teraz pod niejakiego Chrisa Brule, jednak pisze z tego samego maila. Jest właścicielem " nowej" agencji paryskiej www.thefaceparismanagement.com. !
dzięki za szybkie ogarnięcie i zablokowanie tego typka!
Nie mam żadnych emaili, nie odpisałam na tą wiadomość, bo wrzuciłam przedtem ten mail do google :P
ale wiem, że niektóre dziewczyny tego nie zrobiły i mają teraz problem. podobno sprawa jest już na policji.
Konto cmodels39 zostało zablokowane, dziękujemy za zgłoszenie.
Jednocześnie przypominamy wszystkim modelkom, aby zwracały uwagę na oferty współpracy, które są do nich kierowane. Jeżeli cokolwiek wzbudza Waszą wątpliwość, kontaktujcie się z nami na adres moderacja@maxmodels.pl lub serwis@maxmodels.pl.
Zachęcamy także do zapoznania się z artykułem "Jestem modelką. Na co powinnam uważać?" :
Jeżeli posiadasz emaile od niego i taką wiedzę ze to krętacz i oszust powinnaś zgłosić to na policję lub do prokuratury.
Takie podszywanie się jest karalne, w dodatku takim zgłoszeniem chronisz inne dziewczyny. Tutaj nie każdy musi ten post przeczytać.
Każdy email można namierzyć, ale muszą to zrobić odpowiednie organy na konkretne zarzuty i polecenie.