I work in Bydgoszcz
cooperate with 052b - www.052b.com
I like to come back here :)..."True Beauty...
There is a light that shines from within
Every living creature known,
And if we look for it close enough
That special light will to us be shown.
Appearances of the outer shell,
Are simply places that house the light;
What matters most is what shines from within—
The only beauty that gleams so bright.
So search for the splendor that comes from within
And don’t be fooled by what only eyes can scout;
For there can be no beauty on any face
Unless it emanates from the inside out..." ChristineB.
io sono totalmente pazza per Italia :) allora uso ogni possibilita' per andarci. Ho gia' visto quasi tutti i regioni ma di piu' mi piace Toscana e Elba e anche li ho di piu' amici :) comunque avete veramente Bel Paese. Peccato che i vostri politici stanno rovinando tutto.
There is a light that shines from within
Every living creature known,
And if we look for it close enough
That special light will to us be shown.
Appearances of the outer shell,
Are simply places that house the light;
What matters most is what shines from within—
The only beauty that gleams so bright.
So search for the splendor that comes from within
And don’t be fooled by what only eyes can scout;
For there can be no beauty on any face
Unless it emanates from the inside out..." ChristineB.