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Fotograf foto_bo Odwiedzin 165 Ocena ogólna 6.0

O mnie

An artist photographer with more than twenty years of experience in photography and over ten years of experience in teaching photography. Founder and owner of the Gallery of Artistic Photography Foto-Bo in Bielsko-Biala, Poland. Experienced in studio and event photography. Organizer of monthly "Boniedziałki w BoGaleryi" - photo(and not only)graphic meetings. A graduate of the Warsaw Film School. Member of: the Polish Republic’s Photoclub, Warsaw, The Royal Photographic Society, Bath, the FIAP - Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique, Paris, the Beskidian Photographic Society, Bielsko-Biala. Member-founder of Globika Kollektiff Group (large format photography). He is interested in the whole Universe and… how to earn money on Earth.


Doświadczenie Duże
Profesja Fotograf
Wiek 42

Zakres pracy

  • Fashion
  • Portret
  • Glamour
  • Akt
  • Edytorial
  • Nagość zakryta
  • Make up / stylizacja
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Edytuj foto_bo 6.0 0 foto_bo Fotograf
Edytuj foto_bo 6.0 0 foto_bo Fotograf
Edytuj foto_bo 6.0 0 foto_bo Fotograf
Edytuj foto_bo 6.0 0 foto_bo Fotograf
Edytuj foto_bo 6.0 0 foto_bo Fotograf
Edytuj foto_bo 6.0 0 foto_bo Fotograf
Edytuj foto_bo 6.0 0 foto_bo Fotograf
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