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Fotograf leonardgren Odwiedzin 2903 Ocena ogólna 6.0

O mnie

Greetings, I'm a passionate photographer from Stockholm, Sweden, always on a lookout for new alluring projects and assignments around the world. Without exception I always put my full spirit into what I do, both in showing and delivering my very best. Due to my profession, I travel a lot. So if you visit Sweden, or wish to collaborate elsewhere in the world, please send me a message and let me know you're interested in working with me, then it's easier for me to get in touch once I venture your way. For more photos, my extended portfolio can be seen on my website. _____________ Best Regards, Leonard Gren Photographer & Vision Engineer


Doświadczenie -
Profesja Fotograf
Wiek -

Zakres pracy

  • Fashion
  • Portret
  • Glamour
  • Akt
  • Edytorial
  • Nagość zakryta
  • Make up / stylizacja