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Fotograf OlgaTsirekidze Odwiedzin 10019 Ocena ogólna 6.0

O mnie

I have started to work as a photographer when I was 17. In 2010 I was admitted to the Academy of Culture and Arts on the specialty “camera and photo skills”.In the same year, my supervisor sent me to represent my university on all-Ukrainian games where I took the first place in «Photo Art» nomination. This gave me a huge boost to learn the art of photography harder. After a few years I became a trusted photographer in Ukraine. I already had serious clients from abroad in 2012. The same year my popular work "Mime"- (an actress with makeup on her face, the image shows the character and life of woman) was published. This work was exposed on many exhibitions and contests. Thanks to this photo I have entered the top 280 fashion artists of CIS in 2012. The lack of only one vote didn’t let me to become a «Photographer of Year». You will never meet an artist who thinks the same way as you.This year I am in the top 10 fashion-industry professionals. Welcome to my website olgatsirekidze.com


Doświadczenie Duże
Profesja Fotograf
Wiek 32

Zakres pracy

  • Fashion
  • Portret
  • Glamour
  • Akt
  • Edytorial
  • Nagość zakryta
  • Make up / stylizacja
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