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Fotograf rjmas Odwiedzin 86239 Ocena ogólna 6.0

O mnie

Unfortunately, I have run out of models to collaborate with. If anyone is interested in being my model, please say hello...


Doświadczenie Duże
Profesja Fotograf
Wiek 39

Zakres pracy

  • Fashion
  • Portret
  • Glamour
  • Akt
  • Edytorial
  • Nagość zakryta
  • Make up / stylizacja
06 stycznia

Pozytywna: Fantastic model. Comes prepared and on time. Great attitude and very photogenic. I recommended to everyone

Wystawiona dla: beakey Modelka
Edytuj beakey Bardzo dziękuję za udaną sesję...

... i przepraszam za mój nieudolny uśmiech :). 6.0 1 beakey Modelka
Zdjęcie z sesji której dotyczy referencja
28 grudnia 2024

Pozytywna: Fantastic model and a great person overall. I have enjoyed working with her and I wholeheartedly recommend her for her exotic looks.

Wystawiona dla: Brillantez Modelka Zobacz otrzymaną referencję
Edytuj Brillantez 6.0 3 Brillantez Modelka
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21 września 2024

Pozytywna: One of the most beautiful and easy to work with models I have had the privilege of working with. I heartily recommend.

Wystawiona dla: Blondi01 Modelka
Zdjęcie zostało usunięte
07 maja 2024

Pozytywna: Gorgeous, polite and very easy to work with. I highly recommend Diana.

Wystawiona dla:
konto usunięte Modelka
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31 lipca 2023

Pozytywna: Absolutely fantastic model. I will not rate her looks because beauty is subjective. Of course I found her very fitting for every image I shot, absolutely beautiful. But most importantly she shot only about 40 minutes and in that time I already had an entire portfolio worth of images. She knows how to pose, she practices her best angles and works with directions given to her.
Absolutely a privilege to work with. I hope we work together again soon. Thank you for such a pleasant experience.

Wystawiona dla: sylwiasyrena Modelka Zobacz otrzymaną referencję
Potwierdzam, że mam ukończone 18 lat Zobacz Edytuj rjmas 6.0 2 rjmas
Zdjęcie z sesji której dotyczy referencja
17 lipca 2023

Pozytywna: I have had theh privilege of working with Kristina a couple of times. She is featured in many of my works on my portfolio and is most definitely one of my favorite people to work with.

Below are some reasons why I like working with Kristina and hope this helps other photographers

1. She has a toned and balanced figure and exquisite looks to match.

2. She is always on time

3. She can take directions well as well as bring her own ideas to the shoot

4. She is relaxed and easy to work with

5. She has a strong positive attitude and is a generally fun and positive person to work with.

I highly recommend Kristina to every photographer, if you are a pro, you will find her easy to fit your vision.
If you are a novice, you will get tons of help from her.

Wystawiona dla: kristina999 Modelka Zobacz otrzymaną referencję
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