Fotograf i model z kilkuletnim doswiadczeniem, otwarty na wszelkie niestandardowe projekty. Obecnie w: Dublin, Irlandia Poprzednio: Colorado, USA Potencjalnie bede w Polsce w '22. Jesli jestes zainteresowana wspolpraca, daj znac! * ig: @wild_caesar * ENG: Photography has been my second job since 2014. I've been shooting anything from spontaneous escapades in the rain / snow storms, through custom, sponsored / self-started projects, to meticulously prepared whole-day projects (and nights too on more than one occasion!). On the personal side, I just returned to Europe after a 3-year long business assignment in the US. Ireland is my current, new dwelling, and am also planning to travel around the EU in '22. As my friends and peers describe me: "a kind, unique gentleman in his late 20s, with a welcoming, confident and strong personality, a wild, unbound spirit and an unbreakable strength of will." I live up to this humbling reflection in the eyes of those beautiful beings and alw