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Fotograf Willowart Odwiedzin 250 Ocena ogólna 0.0

O mnie

As photographers, we are drawn to the combination of the “static” and the “dynamic”, or opposing forces creating a kind of tension. We feel it gives our nudes a sphinx-like quality, as if they are about to ask a question, already knowing the answer. Ultimately, we are asking the amazing people who pass through the filter of our lens to lose, or even to forget themselves. It’s very demanding, but delivers a certain truth or reality: a sublimation of one’s self. Perhaps the viewer will glimpse a fragment of the universal, and of the ideal. www.willowart.net


Doświadczenie Duże
Profesja Fotograf
Wiek -

Zakres pracy

  • Fashion
  • Portret
  • Glamour
  • Akt
  • Edytorial
  • Nagość zakryta
  • Make up / stylizacja