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Modelka Anhelinaaa27 Odwiedzin 2215 Ocena ogólna 6.0

O mnie

I'm 23 y.o. and study Journalism and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. I'm in love with the camera and the process of photo and video creation. My experience with TV and photoshoots started in childhood on local Ukrainian TV channels. I enjoy being in the center of attention, in front of the camera of course. I’m very communicative and open-minded person. I adore starting conversations and meeting new people. I feel energized and open to try new things, showing different specter of emotions while photoshooting. It helps to create my individually authentic shoots. I was invited to take part in catwalks for many Ukrainian and Polish brands. I will be very happy to cooperate with you! With love, your Lina.

Doświadczenie i wymiary

Doświadczenie Duże
Profesja Modelka
Wiek 26
Wzrost 172
Waga 60
Biust 90
Talia 70
Biodra 100
Włosy Długie
Obecny kolor Ciemny blond
Naturalny kolor Ciemny blond
Kolor oczu Szare
Odzież M
Obuwie 39
Biustonosz B75

Zakres pracy

  • Fashion
  • Portret
  • Glamour
  • Akt
  • Edytorial
  • Nagość zakryta
  • Make up / stylizacja